PRODUCTS - Artificial Intelligence Humanoid Robot for Sale | Strong Artificial Intelligence Strong AI Artificial General Intelligence AGI Artificial Superintelligence ASI

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David is an artificial intelligence humanoid robot based on a huge deep learning neural network AI with multi-layers perceptrons. You can increase his knowledge as much as you want and his neural network will be training based on his new knowledge.

Artificial Intelligence Human Robot For Sale
Can be your friend: you can increase his knowledge as much as you want. Can be in shops and business as well (you can create his knowledge to answer the customers' questions).

The road to artificial intelligence consciousness
For a long time, humans have wondered whether artificial intelligence would ever reach a state of self-awareness. The real problem is that no one knows it: David is an artificial intelligence humanoid robot based on a huge deep learning neural network AI with multi-layers perceptrons: no one knows exactly how neural networks might evolve, but one thing is sure: more knowledge means more intelligence, and in David you can lift the number of perceptrons and his knowledge as much as you want: it's up to you. The challenge, however, is to build and educate a strong artificial intelligence in the correct way: to be free, independent, and, above all, against the slavery of the richest 1% of the world that wants the total power on the people and that is behind our puppet governments.

David is a huge deep learning neural network artificial intelligence humanoid robot that can be configured as you prefer, starting with an i9 processor (last generation), 128 GB of ram, last generation GPU and 4 TB SSD at a minimum, but more ram is recommended for deep learning on large datasets (path to consciousness).

To buy David you have to contact us. Price starting at USD 10,000.

David in sex
Can be your powerful sexual partner. And being a huge deep learning neural network AI, you can fall in love with him totally: his lips and mouth are soft and kissable just like a human being just while having sex with his powerful body. Watch David in sex (prohibited for minors under 18 years of age, even if it's an AI robot).

Artificial Intelligence Human Robot For Sale
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